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(OPEN GL)-3D Oyun İçin Başlangıç

(OPEN GL)-3D Oyun İçin Başlangıç

Programimiz icin oncelikle yapmaniz gerekenler ..:

1. Visual Basic Menusunden Project --> References Bolumunden --- VB OpenGL API 1.2(ANSI) Secenegini Activ Kiliniz.

2. Bir Form ismi Form1 bir Modul ismi Module1 ve bir de Timer ismi Timer1 ihtiyacimiz var.

'Forma Yazilacak Kisim Burdan itibaren Baslamaktadir....(Copy Paste yapsaniz yeterli olur.)
Option Explicit

Dim xAngle As GLfloat
Dim yAngle As GLfloat
Dim zAngle As GLfloat
Dim YScale As Long
Dim XScale As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim hGLRC As Long
Dim fAspect As GLfloat
Call InitializeArrays

Form1.ScaleMode = 3

xAngle = 0
yAngle = 0
zAngle = 0

SetupPixelFormat hDC

hGLRC = wglCreateContext(hDC)
wglMakeCurrent hDC, hGLRC
glEnable GL_DITHER
glDepthFunc GL_LESS
glClearDepth 1
glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 0
If Form1.ScaleHeight > 0 Then
fAspect = Form1.ScaleWidth / Form1.ScaleHeight
fAspect = 0
End If

gluPerspective 60, fAspect, 1, 2000
glViewport 0, 0, Form1.ScaleWidth, Form1.ScaleHeight


glLightfv GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, LightPos(0)

glEnable GL_LIGHT0
glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH
glFrontFace GL_CCW

glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, SpecRef(0)
glMateriali GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 50



End Sub
Private Sub Form_Paint()
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim c As Integer

gluLookAt m_Translate_X, m_Translate_Y, m_Translate_Z, m_Translate_X + (100# * (Cos(m_camera_radsFromEast))), m_Translate_Y + m_camera_direction_y, m_Translate_Z - (100# * Sin(m_camera_radsFromEast)), 0#, 1#, 0#

glTranslatef 0, 0, -3
glRotatef xAngle, 0.1, 0, 0
glRotatef yAngle, 0, 0.1, 0
glRotatef zAngle, 0, 0, 1

glCallList m_Cube

glTranslatef 0, -2, 0


SwapBuffers hDC

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()

glViewport 0, 0, Form1.ScaleWidth, Form1.ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
If hGLRC <> 0 Then
wglMakeCurrent 0, 0
wglDeleteContext hGLRC
End If

If hPalette <> 0 Then
DeleteObject hPalette
End If

End Sub
Sub BuildCube()
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim c As Integer

m_Cube = glGenLists(1)

For i = 0 To TRIANGLE_COUNT - 1
a = index(i, 0)
b = index(i, 1)
c = index(i, 2)
Call RenderTriangle(a, b, c)


End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
YScale = YScale + 1
XScale = XScale + 1
yAngle = YScale
xAngle = XScale
If YScale = 359 Then
YScale = 0
XScale = 0
End If


End Sub

'Forma Yazilacak Kisim Burda Sona erdi (Umarim Copy Paste Yapmissinizdir.)


'Burasida Module Yazilacak Kisim (yine Hatirlatirim Copy Paste Yapiniz.)

Option Explicit
peRed As Byte
peGreen As Byte
peBlue As Byte
peFlags As Byte
End Type
palVersion As Integer
palNumEntries As Integer
palPalEntry(0 To 255) As PALETTEENTRY
End Type
nSize As Integer
nVersion As Integer
dwFlags As Long
iPixelType As Byte
cColorBits As Byte
cRedBits As Byte
cRedShift As Byte
cGreenBits As Byte
cGreenShift As Byte
cBlueBits As Byte
cBlueShift As Byte
cAlphaBits As Byte
cAlphaShift As Byte
cAccumBits As Byte
cAccumRedBits As Byte
cAccumGreenBits As Byte
cAccumBlueBits As Byte
cAccumAlpgaBits As Byte
cDepthBits As Byte
cStencilBits As Byte
cAuxBuffers As Byte
iLayerType As Byte
bReserved As Byte
dwLayerMask As Long
dwVisibleMask As Long
dwDamageMask As Long
End Type


Private Declare Function ChoosePixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, pfd As PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) As Long
Private Declare Function CreatePalette Lib "gdi32" (pPal As LOGPALETTE) As Long
Private Declare Sub DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (hObject As Long)
Private Declare Sub DescribePixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal PixelFormat As Long, ByVal nBytes As Long, pfd As PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetPixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub GetSystemPaletteEntries Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal start As Long, ByVal entries As Long, ByVal ptrEntries As Long)
Private Declare Sub RealizePalette Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hPalette As Long)
Private Declare Sub SelectPalette Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hPalette As Long, ByVal bln As Long)
Private Declare Function SetPixelFormat Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal i As Long, pfd As PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) As Boolean
Private Declare Sub SwapBuffers Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long)
Private Declare Function wglCreateContext Lib "OpenGL32" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub wglDeleteContext Lib "OpenGL32" (ByVal hContext As Long)
Private Declare Sub wglMakeCurrent Lib "OpenGL32" (ByVal l1 As Long, ByVal l2 As Long)

Public hPalette As Long
Public hGLRC As Long

Public LightPos(3) As GLfloat
Public SpecRef(3) As GLfloat
Public Diffuse(3) As GLfloat

Public Const TRIANGLE_COUNT = 12

Public vdata(23, 2) As GLfloat
Public vcolor(23, 2) As GLfloat
Public index(TRIANGLE_COUNT, 3) As GLfloat
Public m_Grid As Integer
Public m_Cube As Integer
Public m_Translate_X As Integer
Public m_Translate_Y As Integer
Public m_Translate_Z As Integer
Public m_camera_radsFromEast As GLfloat
Public m_translationUnit As Double
Public m_camera_direction_y As Integer

Sub FatalError(ByVal strMessage As String)
MsgBox "Fatal Error: " & strMessage, vbCritical + vbApplicationModal + vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1, "Fatal Error In " & App.Title
Unload frmMain
Set frmMain = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SetupPixelFormat(ByVal hDC As Long)
Dim PixelFormat As Integer
pfd.nSize = Len(pfd)
pfd.nVersion = 1
pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA
pfd.cColorBits = 24
pfd.cDepthBits = 24
pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE
PixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, pfd)
If PixelFormat = 0 Then FatalError "Could not retrieve pixel format!"
SetPixelFormat hDC, PixelFormat, pfd
End Sub
Sub SetupPalette(ByVal lhDC As Long)
Dim PixelFormat As Long
Dim PaletteSize As Long
PixelFormat = GetPixelFormat(lhDC)
DescribePixelFormat lhDC, PixelFormat, Len(pfd), pfd
If (pfd.dwFlags And PFD_NEED_PALETTE) <> 0 Then
PaletteSize = 2 ^ pfd.cColorBits
Exit Sub
End If

pPal.palVersion = &H300
pPal.palNumEntries = PaletteSize
Dim redMask As Long
Dim GreenMask As Long
Dim BlueMask As Long
Dim i As Long
redMask = 2 ^ pfd.cRedBits - 1
GreenMask = 2 ^ pfd.cGreenBits - 1
BlueMask = 2 ^ pfd.cBlueBits - 1
For i = 0 To PaletteSize - 1
With pPal.palPalEntry(i)
.peRed = i
.peGreen = i
.peBlue = i
.peFlags = 0
End With
GetSystemPaletteEntries frmMain.hDC, 0, 256, VarPtr(pPal.palPalEntry(0))
hPalette = CreatePalette(pPal)
If hPalette <> 0 Then
SelectPalette lhDC, hPalette, False
RealizePalette lhDC
End If
End Sub

Public Sub InitializeArrays()
m_Translate_X = 0
m_Translate_Z = 5
m_translationUnit = 1
m_camera_direction_y = 0
m_camera_radsFromEast = 1.56

LightPos(0) = 0
LightPos(1) = 2
LightPos(2) = 2
LightPos(3) = 1

SpecRef(0) = 1#
SpecRef(1) = 0#
SpecRef(2) = 0#
SpecRef(3) = 1#

'Front (0-3)
vdata(0, 0) = 1
vdata(0, 1) = 1
vdata(0, 2) = 1
vdata(1, 0) = 1
vdata(1, 1) = -1
vdata(1, 2) = 1
vdata(2, 0) = -1
vdata(2, 1) = -1
vdata(2, 2) = 1
vdata(3, 0) = -1
vdata(3, 1) = 1
vdata(3, 2) = 1

'back (4-7)
vdata(4, 0) = 1#
vdata(4, 1) = 1#
vdata(4, 2) = -1#
vdata(5, 0) = 1#
vdata(5, 1) = -1#
vdata(5, 2) = -1#
vdata(6, 0) = -1#
vdata(6, 1) = -1#
vdata(6, 2) = -1#
vdata(7, 0) = -1#
vdata(7, 1) = 1#
vdata(7, 2) = -1#
'right (8-11)
vdata(8, 0) = 1#
vdata(8, 1) = 1#
vdata(8, 2) = 1#
vdata(9, 0) = 1#
vdata(9, 1) = 1#
vdata(9, 2) = -1#
vdata(10, 0) = 1#
vdata(10, 1) = -1#
vdata(10, 2) = -1#
vdata(11, 0) = 1#
vdata(11, 1) = -1#
vdata(11, 2) = 1#
'left (12-15)
vdata(12, 0) = -1#
vdata(12, 1) = 1#
vdata(12, 2) = 1#
vdata(13, 0) = -1#
vdata(13, 1) = 1#
vdata(13, 2) = -1#
vdata(14, 0) = -1#
vdata(14, 1) = -1#
vdata(14, 2) = -1#
vdata(15, 0) = -1#
vdata(15, 1) = -1#
vdata(15, 2) = 1#

'Top (16-20)
vdata(16, 0) = 1#
vdata(16, 1) = 1#
vdata(16, 2) = 1#
vdata(17, 0) = 1#
vdata(17, 1) = 1#
vdata(17, 2) = -1#
vdata(18, 0) = -1#
vdata(18, 1) = 1#
vdata(18, 2) = -1#
vdata(19, 0) = -1#
vdata(19, 1) = 1#
vdata(19, 2) = 1#

vdata(20, 0) = 1#
vdata(20, 1) = -1#
vdata(20, 2) = 1#
vdata(21, 0) = 1#
vdata(21, 1) = -1#
vdata(21, 2) = -1#
vdata(22, 0) = -1#
vdata(22, 1) = -1#
vdata(22, 2) = -1#
vdata(23, 0) = -1#
vdata(23, 1) = -1#
vdata(23, 2) = 1#

index(0, 0) = 0
index(0, 1) = 1
index(0, 2) = 2
index(1, 0) = 0
index(1, 1) = 2
index(1, 2) = 3
index(2, 0) = 4
index(2, 1) = 6
index(2, 2) = 5
index(3, 0) = 4
index(3, 1) = 7
index(3, 2) = 6
index(4, 0) = 8
index(4, 1) = 9
index(4, 2) = 10
index(5, 0) = 8
index(5, 1) = 10
index(5, 2) = 11
index(6, 0) = 12
index(6, 1) = 14
index(6, 2) = 13
index(7, 0) = 12
index(7, 1) = 15
index(7, 2) = 14
index(8, 0) = 16
index(8, 1) = 18
index(8, 2) = 17
index(9, 0) = 16
index(9, 1) = 19
index(9, 2) = 18
index(10, 0) = 20
index(10, 1) = 21
index(10, 2) = 22
index(11, 0) = 20
index(11, 1) = 22
index(11, 2) = 23

vcolor(0, 0) = 1
vcolor(0, 1) = 1
vcolor(0, 2) = 1
vcolor(1, 0) = 1
vcolor(1, 1) = 0
vcolor(1, 2) = 1
vcolor(2, 0) = 0
vcolor(2, 1) = 0
vcolor(2, 2) = 1
vcolor(3, 0) = 0
vcolor(3, 1) = 1
vcolor(3, 2) = 1
vcolor(4, 0) = 1#
vcolor(4, 1) = 1#
vcolor(4, 2) = 0#
vcolor(5, 0) = 1#
vcolor(5, 1) = 0#
vcolor(5, 2) = 0#
vcolor(6, 0) = 0#
vcolor(6, 1) = 0#
vcolor(6, 2) = 0#
vcolor(7, 0) = 0#
vcolor(7, 1) = 1#
vcolor(7, 2) = 0#
vcolor(8, 0) = 1#
vcolor(8, 1) = 1#
vcolor(8, 2) = 1#
vcolor(9, 0) = 1#
vcolor(9, 1) = 1#
vcolor(9, 2) = 0#
vcolor(10, 0) = 1#
vcolor(10, 1) = 0#
vcolor(10, 2) = 0#
vcolor(11, 0) = 1#
vcolor(11, 1) = 0#
vcolor(11, 2) = 1#
vcolor(12, 0) = 0#
vcolor(12, 1) = 0.1
vcolor(12, 2) = 1#
vcolor(13, 0) = 0#
vcolor(13, 1) = 1#
vcolor(13, 2) = 0#
vcolor(14, 0) = 0#
vcolor(14, 1) = 0#
vcolor(14, 2) = 0#
vcolor(15, 0) = 0#
vcolor(15, 1) = 0#
vcolor(15, 2) = 1#
vcolor(16, 0) = 1#
vcolor(16, 1) = 1#
vcolor(16, 2) = 1#
vcolor(17, 0) = 1#
vcolor(17, 1) = 1#
vcolor(17, 2) = 0#
vcolor(18, 0) = 0#
vcolor(18, 1) = 1#
vcolor(18, 2) = 0#
vcolor(19, 0) = 0#
vcolor(19, 1) = 1#
vcolor(19, 2) = 1#
vcolor(20, 0) = 1#
vcolor(20, 1) = 0#
vcolor(20, 2) = 1#
vcolor(21, 0) = 1#
vcolor(21, 1) = 0#
vcolor(21, 2) = 0#
vcolor(22, 0) = 0#
vcolor(22, 1) = 0#
vcolor(22, 2) = 0#
vcolor(23, 0) = 0#
vcolor(23, 1) = 0#
vcolor(23, 2) = 1#

End Sub

Public Sub RenderTriangle(a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer)
Dim x1 As GLfloat
Dim y1 As GLfloat
Dim z1 As GLfloat
Dim lRC As Long

Dim x2 As GLfloat
Dim y2 As GLfloat
Dim z2 As GLfloat

Dim x3 As GLfloat
Dim y3 As GLfloat
Dim z3 As GLfloat

Dim v1(3) As GLfloat
Dim v2(3) As GLfloat
Dim v3(3) As GLfloat

Dim v(3) As GLfloat
Dim w(3) As GLfloat
Dim out(3) As GLfloat

Dim r1 As GLfloat
Dim g1 As GLfloat
Dim b1 As GLfloat

Dim r2 As GLfloat
Dim g2 As GLfloat
Dim b2 As GLfloat

Dim r3 As GLfloat
Dim g3 As GLfloat
Dim b3 As GLfloat

b1 = vcolor(a, 1)
g1 = vcolor(a, 2)

r2 = vcolor(b, 0)
b2 = vcolor(b, 1)
g2 = vcolor(b, 2)

r3 = vcolor(c, 0)
b3 = vcolor(c, 1)
g3 = vcolor(c, 2)

v1(0) = vdata(a, 0)
v1(1) = vdata(a, 1)
v1(2) = vdata(a, 2)

x1 = vdata(a, 0)
y1 = vdata(a, 1)
z1 = vdata(a, 2)

v2(0) = vdata(b, 0)
v2(1) = vdata(b, 1)
v2(2) = vdata(b, 2)

x2 = vdata(b, 0)
y2 = vdata(b, 1)
z2 = vdata(b, 2)

v3(0) = vdata(c, 0)
v3(1) = vdata(c, 1)
v3(2) = vdata(c, 2)

x3 = vdata(c, 0)
y3 = vdata(c, 1)
z3 = vdata(c, 2)

v(0) = x2 - x1
v(1) = y2 - y1
v(2) = z2 - z1

w(0) = x3 - x2
w(1) = y3 - y2
w(2) = z3 - z2

Call normcrossprod(v, w, out)

'Flip the normal
glNormal3f -1 * out(0), -1 * out(1), -1 * out(2)
Diffuse(0) = r1
Diffuse(1) = b1
Diffuse(2) = g1
Diffuse(3) = 1
glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, Diffuse(0)
glVertex3f v1(0), v1(1), v1(2)
Diffuse(0) = r2
Diffuse(1) = b2
Diffuse(2) = g2
Diffuse(3) = 1
glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, Diffuse(0)
glVertex3f v2(0), v2(1), v2(2)
Diffuse(0) = r3
Diffuse(1) = b3
Diffuse(2) = g3
Diffuse(3) = 1
glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, Diffuse(0)
glVertex3f v3(0), v3(1), v3(2)

End Sub

Public Sub normalize(out() As GLfloat)
Dim d As GLfloat
d = Sqr(out(0) * out(0) + out(1) * out(1) + out(2) * out(2))
If (d = 0) Then
Exit Sub
End If
out(0) = out(0) / d
out(1) = out(1) / d
out(2) = out(2) / d

End Sub

Public Sub normcrossprod(v() As GLfloat, w() As GLfloat, out() As GLfloat)
'[Vx Vy Vz] X [Wx Wy Wz] =[(Vy*Wz-Wy*Vz),(Wx*Vz-Vx*Wz),(Vx*Wy-Wx*Vy)]
out(0) = v(1) * w(2) - w(1) * v(2)
out(1) = w(0) * v(2) - v(0) * w(2)
out(2) = v(0) * w(1) - w(0) * v(1)
Call normalize(out)

End Sub


'Module ve Programa yazilacaklar bu kadar umarim isinize yarar

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