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com port dan veri alma

com port dan veri alma

Çözüldü #4
bunun için mscomm.dll diye bir kiatplık var onu yüklemen lazım
sana örnek bir port okuma yazma kodu

porta bilgi gönderme

Private Sub Command1_Click()
With MSComm1
'make sure the serial port is open
If .PortOpen = False Then .PortOpen = True
'send the data (including a tailing carriage return as often needed)
.Output = Text2.Text & vbCr
End With 'MSComm1
With Text2
'place the focus back to the textbox
'select the current text to be overwritten
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With 'Text1
End Sub

portu açma

Private Sub Form_Load()
With MSComm1
'make sure the serial port is not open (by this program)
If .PortOpen Then .PortOpen = False
'set the active serial port
.CommPort = 2
'set the badurate,parity,databits,stopbits for the connection
.Settings = "9600,N,8,1"
'set the DRT and RTS flags
.DTREnable = True
.RTSEnable = True
'enable the oncomm event for every reveived character
.RThreshold = 1
'disable the oncomm event for send characters
.SThreshold = 0
'open the serial port
.PortOpen = True
End With 'MSComm1

End Sub

porttan gelen bilgiyi okuma

Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
Dim strInput As String
With MSComm1
'test for incoming event
Select Case .CommEvent
Case comEvReceive
'display incoming event data to displaying textbox
strInput = .Input
Text1.SelText = strInput
End Select
End With 'MSComm1
End Sub
meşhur çin atasözü  "ACCESS İLE YAPABİLECEKLERİNİZ HAYAL EDEBİLECEKLERİNİZ İLE SINIRLIDIR" siz ne kadar hayal edebiliyorsunuz

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Bu Konudaki Yorumlar
com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 29/05/2009, 08:37
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: esrefigit - 29/05/2009, 09:31
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 29/05/2009, 09:36
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: esrefigit - 29/05/2009, 10:47
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 29/05/2009, 11:51
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 30/05/2009, 14:02
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: burhanb - 19/03/2011, 14:24
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 23/03/2011, 10:26
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: Yandemir - 23/03/2011, 11:17
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 23/03/2011, 13:51
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: Yandemir - 23/03/2011, 14:47
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: burhanb - 29/03/2011, 13:56
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 29/03/2011, 14:18
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 06/05/2011, 12:39
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: burhanb - 02/07/2011, 15:31
Cvp: com port dan veri alma - Yazar: barcins - 06/07/2011, 18:42